The route of the Mississippi River was our "lesson" for the week.
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
The bells of St. Basil beckoned us at 7 a.m.
President Dan led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Art offered a very thoughtful prayer with an emphasis on the need for unity during these troubling times.
Our only guest was speaker Jenna Otten from the American Red Cross.
* Our turn for serving the Thursday dinner is this week with a full signup of volunteers.
* Dan noted the article in the Herald Palladium of the club's $4,100 donation to We Care.
* The Community Foundation acknowledged a gift from Chris Harding in memory of his father, John Harding. The gift was designated for Blessings in a Backpack.
* February program chairs were reminded to inform Bill Roberts of their speakers.
* There will be a ZOOM meeting later this morning on the Kenya Project.
Bob Copping's ditty was greeted with a long silence. (Sorry, I missed the punch line.)
Oooops - Tom Ruesink had a quiz based on articles he thought were from the January, 2021 issue of The Rotary magazine. However, the magazine was from 2020. Better luck next time. However, it did lead to a further discussion on the origins of the Mississippi River. Tom thought it originated in Minnesota; Mark claimed it was South Dakota. According to Wikipedia, the Mississippi River began "from its traditional source of Lake Itasca in northern Minnesota." Your Editarian did some research and found an article from the Minneapolis Tribune (July 2016) where a geologist said people have been "bamboozled" into believing the Mississippi River originated at Lake Itasca. He traced its beginning to the tiny town of Veblen, S.D. claiming it was the geologic source of the Mississippi. The debate will continue to be sure.
* Tom Renner's 39th for the 37th time today.
* Happy Birthday to Richard Swanson.
* Pastor Jeff's daughter had a birthday. (He also slipped in a shoutout to his Buffalo Bills.)
Larry's "Happy Birthday" tribute was appreciated.
Guest Jenna pulled the lucky numbers -- #12 (Pastor Jeff) and #22 (Kaleigh).
Jenna Otten presented a program on behalf of the American Red highlighting its many initiatives.
* Blood Drives
* Service to Members of the Armed Forces
* Disaster Action Teams
* Health and Mental Health Services
* Disaster Deployment Teams
Jenna noted that the strength of the Red Cross is in its volunteers. She encouraged members to consider becoming volunteers and provided contact information.
Volunteer website
Blood Donation website
Jenna Otten email
During the question-and-answer period an informal survey (show of hands) revealed many of our members have been blood donors. Way to go!!
Amazingly, Dan Liehr reported he has donated 105 PINTS of blood over the years. Good for you Dan.
Dr. Loren Hamel, President of Spectrum Health Lakeland and a COVID survivor, will provide an update.
The informal Thursday get-together via ZOOM is on for 10 a.m.
President Dan led us in the Four Way Test.
Reported by Tom Renner, Pinch-Hit Editarian for Dene/Art