Posted by Dene Hadden
SPOKES VOL. LXV NO. 5                                                                               July 31, 2018
Jean Stein and Scott Smith were our greeters this morning.
President Mark Odland opened today’s meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and Art Ayers provided our invocation.
President Odland introduced prospective members Tom Noverr and Steve Miles along with our speakers Justin Postma, Jackson Schooley and Osvaldo Ruiz.
No Spotlight this morning.
Bob Boerma was delighted to share our songs with our young guests this morning.  We began with the 1926 hit, “Heart of My Heart” and followed that up with the 1920 tribute to Eddie Cantor’s daughter, “Margie”.  We finished up with one of our favorites and sang it well – Sing! Everyone, Sing”.
  • Prospective members Steve Miles and Steve Noverr will be inducted on August 7th.
  • Our District Governor and the Chair of our District Grants committee will be at next week’s meeting.
  • Pancake Breakfast on August 12th sign-up sheet was passed around.  We need everyone on board!  In fact, bring your spouses and friends!
  • Art Ayers will be having knee replacement surgery this week.  Keep him in your prayers so he will be healed enough to be able to work at the pancake breakfast.
  • On September 18th any candidate for public office will be able to present their program to the club.  The time will be divided into equal segments so each candidate/proposal will have equal time.  Please let Bob Straits know if you know a candidate who wants to appear in front of our group.
  • It was announced that the performance series presentation of Ikuro Nakamichi has been moved from August 4th to the next night, August 5th.
  • We received a very nice thank you note from The South Haven High School History Club.
Osvaldo Ruiz did our drawing this morning and drew a very excited Rhonda Wendzel’s ticket.  Her excitement turned into disappointment when she drew the Ace instead of the four or two.  Osvaldo then drew Don Hodgman’s number for the $2 prize.
  • Steve Larsen’s son Lars turns 15 this week (and begins Driver’s Training!)
  • Dan Thompson decided to celebrate all of his birthdays at once – daughter, son, mother and self plus others.
  • Larry Wittkop has a birthday this week.  He did not disclose which one, but it is still in the double digits.
  • Tom Rummell and his lovely wife Donna are celebrating their 21st anniversary.
  • Bob Brickman also celebrated his grandson’s birthday this week.
  • We sang a fantastic version of a Ludington style birthday/anniversary song for our celebrants, much to the amusement of our young guests.
  • Bob Copping, who paid ahead of time, added to the story of the bell ringer of Notre Dame.
  • Don Hixson has been blessed with lots of visitors this week.
  • Tom Renner is getting a little boring, again announcing that the Cubs are in first place.
  • Jerry Portman, having spent two weeks taking care of his 101 year old mother-in-law, is looking forward to the return of his wife this week for a conjugal visit.
  • Not to be outdone, Tom Ruesink will be at the Gilmore Car Museum this weekend for a car visit.
  • Paul Hix will be traveling to Poland next week.
Dene Hadden introduced Justin Postma, Jackson Schooley and Osvaldo Ruiz for their presentation about Project Pathways.
They began by describing Project Pathways as a way to introduce students to various professions and allowing them to learn about the lifestyles of the professions and have individual conversations with professionals from a number of fields.
The program was developed when a local business woman talked to the high school principal about giving back to the community.  A group of students were formed and over a number of months the concept of Project Pathway was developed.  Meetings were held weekly in a business like setting and the group eventually became a 401 c (3) nonprofit.
This past year they held events involving career pathways in the medical, business, culinary and creative arts fields.  Plans are to add more sessions next year, including trades, although most of the introduction to trades occurs through the Tech Center and begins in 8th grade.
The young men showed pictures of events that had been held that focused on the ability to attendees to talk one-on-one with the presenters.
One of the goals was the development of a philanthropic project by the committee.  After much talk and discussion and the inability to do a couple of their ideas, they settled on providing a Ram sculpture at the front entrance of the high school.  Rock bases along with flowers and shrubbery have been installed and they are now awaiting the actual Ram to be delivered and installed.  They provided a rendering of how it will look when completed.
The continuation of Project Pathway rests with the current committee members and Osvaldo indicated that there is a group of committed underclassmen who will keep the program alive and even expand the number of events.
Several Rotarians commented that our club could provide panel members offering a wide variety of experiences for future events.
Dene Hadden thanked the three young men and provided them with our speaker’s gifts as the club thanked them for their excellent presentation.
We closed our meeting with the Four Way Test.
Next week’s program: Jim Cupper, District Governor
Next week’s Greeters:  Bob Brickman and Dene Hadden
Editarian:  Dene Hadden