
May 16, 2023
Meeting started promptly at 7 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance
Art Ayers gave the invocation today- asked for Prayers for Bob Brickman, having his surgery on May 17th.
We Welcome Guests
  • Irv Portman
  • Laura Lutterbeck, District Director of Junior Achievement of Southwest Michigan
  5 Zoomers!
  • Bob Brickman
  • Anna Rydecki
  • Shelly Ammerman
  • Nick Tuit
  • Brandon Hinz
Bob Boerma led us in song today:
  • When the Saints Go Marching In!
  • You’re a Grand Old Flag!
  • All Hail to Rotary
  • Dana and Tom have an interview today at 8 a.m. with 103.7 regarding the upcoming car show
  1. Last week we finished off the school year for our Blessings in a Backpack service project with 11 Rotarians packing the bags of food.  Thank you to all Club members who participated in this important and rewarding project.
  2. Our final Social Hour event until fall was last Wed. with over 20 members and guests attending.
  3. The Club’s Car Show at the Senior Center will be held this Wed. May 17th starting at 3pm.
  4. Dyckman Bridge soil placement will take place later today at 3pm and planting of flowers May 18th at 9am.
  5. The board will meet immediately following this meeting.
  6. The new board Induction Dinner will be held at Hawks Head on June 27th with a golf outing preceding.  See Dan for golf. 
  7. Amy is looking for volunteers for the July 4th parade float staging at the high school.
  8. The Club needs a member to step into the role of posting updates on our activities to Facebook.  Emily has had to step back from this role due to new work requirements.  There are lots of Rotary International templates to assist in making this easy to do and Mark will be happy to work with the new volunteer in transition.  If you like to post to Facebook, please consider taking on this important Public Image role for the Club.  Speak to either Mary Sue or Melinda if you are interested.
First Congregational Church/ We Care Pantry- Simply Give hunger relief program
  • Purchase a Simply Give donation card at the South Haven Meijer Store
  • Now through July 1st
  • Meijer will double match any cards purchased on Saturday June 17
  • Online shoppers, Meijer Pickup or home delivery can also purchase Simply Give donation Cards as an add on to their order
  • The Best way to participate in the June 17 double match, is to send a donation to:
First Congregational Church
651 Phoenix St.
South Haven MI 49090
Make your check out to: First Congregational Church Food Pantry
Your donation check will be used to purchase a Simply Give Donation Card
Sending a check will simplify the process for both the Food Pantry and Meijer and will maximize the double match opportunity.
Bob Copping- Gentleman driving with no seatbelt, passed a police car and got pulled over for not wearing his seatbelt.  The officer said your wife looks like an honest person I will ask her about you wearing a seatbelt.  His wife said “Whatever my husband says, I know not to argue with him when he is drunk” 😊
Drawing -Tom Ruesink
Dan Williamson drew the winners today!
  • Amy Nicholson number was drawn she did not win ½ the pot.
  • Tom Renner won the $2.00 Consolation prize
  • Art Ayers, Grandson turned 16 last Sunday, another Grandson turns 16 on Friday!
  • Bryan Kurtz- Youngest daughter celebrates a Birthday
  • Jerry Portman is the oldest of 8 kids, Celebrates his Birthday on the same day as his younger brother on the same day! Jerry is 14 years older!
  • Matthias De Jongh Celebrates a Birthday Tomorrow, will be flush after getting his Birthday Card from his grandma! 😊
  • Dave Campbell’s Birthday is Friday!
  • Jerry Gruber- Ann’s youngest sisters celebrated a Birthday and turned 70
  • Tom Renner- Daughter Suzy had a Birthday Yesterday!
Tom Renner wanted to Thank Jerry and Art for helping with the Salmon Release!
We are all happy to see Barry Winkle at the meeting today!
Sang Happy Birthday Luddington Style!!!
Happy Bucks- Passed the Basket around today. Everyone was happy!
Induction of Dan Williamson into South Haven Rotary Club
  • Sponsored by Jerry Portman
Dan Williamson
  • Active in Community affairs
  • 5 Years with the Liberty Hyde Bailey Museum
  • Will be a great asset to Rotary
Welcome to Rotary Dan!
Today’ s Presentation sponsored by Ross Woodhams
Laura Lutterback- Director of JA in SW Michigan
  • K-12 and 5 Area Counties
  • Also the Chief Marketing officer
  • Laura lives in Coldwater with her husband and 4 Children
What Junior Achievement Does
  • Began as an after-school program
3 Pillars
  • Financial Literacy
  • Entrepreneurism
  • Work and Career Readiness
JA Starts in Kindergarten
JA Teaches:
  • Want vs need
  • Saving vs Spending
  • Create and Save Money
Each grade builds on the last
1st Grade- Family
2cnd Grade- Community
3rd Grade- City
4th Grade-Region
5th Grade Nation
Middle School and High School-Ala Carte Programs- JA works with Schools individually
High School- JA usually taught in Social Studies, History or Math Classes
Middle and High School-
  • Personal Finance Classes
  • Can Document Programs
  • Additional Resources
  • Career Speaker Events
  • Learn about different careers
JA is lobbying in Lansing to add a bill that requires Financial Literacy as a requirement for graduation
Students learning to manage finances and be successful
Taking 4 classes would fulfill the graduation requirement
South Haven JA is slower than we would like
Volunteers to deliver the programming are needed
Currently have 2 Classes running in SH
If you would like to volunteer
  • Materials are provided in a bag and there is individual training as well
Time Commitment- Sessions are once a week
  • Elementary 5, 45 Min Sessions
  • Middle School 6, 45 Min Sessions
  • High School 7, 45 Min Sessions
10 to 15 Min prep time and you are matched with a teacher- Times can be flexible between teacher and volunteer.
Over 200 schools working in JA in the 5 Counties
  • St. Joe
  • Branch
  • Calhoun
  • Kalamazoo
  • Van Buren
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact Laura at:
Mary Sue Lyon thanked Laura for her presentation. Ross will present Laura with a $25.00 gas card provided by Fleming Brothers Oil and Convenience Mart.  The meeting was adjourned promptly at 8 a.m. with the Four Way Test. Please join us next week, May 23, 2023 promptly at 7 a.m. at the Peace Lutheran Church.
Greeters will be Don Hodgman and Dan Thompson.
Respectfully submitted: Sandra S. Reno