November 26, 2024
We were greeted this morning by Stuart Comiskey.
At 7am sharp, we were welcomed by President Angelica Gallegos-Dickerson, and we began with the singing of “God Bless America”, followed by Art Ayers’ invocation.
GUESTS: Troy Rolling- Chairman, Frederick Douglass Freedom Alliance- Program Speaker & Kevin Whiteford- most recently, Republican candidate for Representative in Michigan’s 38th District
ZOOM ATTENDEES: Nick Tuit, Steve Larsen and Bob Brickman
SONGS: Bob Boerma was our “maestro” this morning, and he led us in singing “Anchors Aweigh”, “God Bless the USA”, and “Sing Rotarians”.
  • District Governor Mark Odland and LaRae joined us this morning, following their District 6360 club “tour”, which took them to all 54 clubs. Having had such an opportunity, Mark indicated that he was pleased to be back home to offer a “Congratulatory Note” to our club. Some of the highlights of his “note”:
    • Since our club was formed in 1956, members have contributed over $300,000 to the Rotary Foundation ($4400 per year).
    • We have honored 86 Paul Harris Fellows and 31 multiple “Fellows”.
    • We’ve had 4 major donors, in which there are 4 levels of giving up to $250,000.
    • We have 2 Arch Klumpf donors, whose cumulative giving totals $250,00. There are 4 such donors within our District.
    • Outstanding Polio Plus giving; however, Polio HAS NOT been eradicated! There were 12 cases last year and 72 this year in Afghanistan and Pakistan, where those giving vaccinations are often being assassinated.
    • Mark presented our club with 2 banners to celebrate our exemplary giving to the Rotary Foundation.
  • President Angelica received and read a thank you note from Travon, one of our scholarship winners.
  • Salvation Army Bell Ringing will be held on Saturday, December 7th. 2 slots still need to be filled.
  • The Christmas party will be held on Tuesday, December 10th, at Hawkshead.
  • Bob Copping announced that reservations are being made for the Hope College Vespers, scheduled for December 8th. A reminder that dinner will follow at Curragh’s Irish Pub in Holland.
  • A reminder from President Angelica that we need to be focused on membership gains and community outreach opportunities.
  • Jerry Gruber announced that this year’s Open-Door Christmas Dinner at the Methodist Church would be held on Tuesday evening December 17th. We need a few more volunteers.
  • There will be a Paul Harris presentation next week.
  • Bob’s tale this week centered on the very “small world” of twins in a bar.
  • State Representative Kevin Whiteford was chosen as today’s “honest and reliable” attendee, and he drew LaRae Odland’s ticket.
  •   LaRae wasted no time drawing the “4” card and winning the pot!!! She donated her winnings to the Polio Plus Fund.
  •   Kaileigh Eddy won the $2 prize and returned her winnings to the club.
  • Jerry Gruber said he’d be remiss if he didn’t comment on son Clark’s statement last week regarding his eligibility for Social Security. Jerry, having heard Clark’s statement, thought back  to the time of Clark’s birth and how young he (Jerry) was at that time (26).
  • Mary Sue Lyon will celebrate her birthday on November 28th (Thanksgiving Day).
  • Rhonda Wendzel’s grandson, Copeland, is 12 years old today.
  • Mike Matheny announced 3 birthdays within his family:
    • His aunt is 101 years old
    • His mother is 99 years old
    • His uncle is 94 years old
  • Today’s birthdays were honored with the “singing” of “Happy Birthday” in the Ludington-style.
  • Scott Mark- “Go Green”
  • Larry Wittkop- “Beat Rutgers”
  • Ted Weber- “Go Blue”
  • Amy Nichols- “Go Lions”
  • Ross Woodhams- provided a reminder of the Holiday Train Display, Christmas Ornament Sale, and Tree Raffle to be held on the weekends of December 6-8 and 13-15 from 3-6pm, at Woodhams’ Showroom in South Haven. The train display will continue through the weekend of December 20-22. Proceeds to benefit WE CARE.
  • Bill Roberts wanted to “gently” remind President Angelica and Kaileigh that they would need to make contributions for their photos being in the newspaper.
  • Barry Winkel- “Go Bears”
  • Kevin Whiteford- “Great club, Great city”
  • Stuart spoke of welcoming visitors from New Jersey in the very early hours-visitors who also brought along some exotic birds.
PROGRAM: Frederick Douglass Freedom Alliance
  • Bryan introduced Troy as someone who has long been active in Berrien County politics and has served as Vice-Chair of the Michigan Republican Party.
  • He graduated in the Class of ’91 from Liberty University, and he and his wife have 4 children.
  • He also has had experience running for political office in Michigan.
  • Troy describes himself as a “success-driven and insightful professional with a passion for time management, public policy and advocacy, program development, public affairs, and improvement initiatives”. He is a member of several committees, a campaign leader of the Republican Party, and a co-founder of the Frederick Douglass Freedom Alliance, along with Dr. Timothy F. Johnson and Rev. Dean Nelson.
Mission and Purpose
  • The “Alliance” champions limited government and forward-thinking solutions to today’s most pressing challenges.
  • Inspired by the legacy of Frederick Douglass, we are dedicated to promoting public policy and supporting political candidates that empower citizens and strengthen communities.
  • As a national grassroots alliance with chapters across the United States, we emphasize Biblical and Constitutional conservative principles.
  • The “Alliance” believes that free market principles and limited government intervention are essential in creating vibrant communities where families thrive.
  • Troy addressed questions from the club members and President Angelica thanked him, on behalf of the club, for his informative presentation. Troy also received a gas card from Fleming Brothers Oil Company with our thanks.
NEXT WEEK: December 3, 2024
PROGRAM CHAIR: President Angelica for Art Ayers
PROGRAM: Suzanne Brock, Director, City of South Haven Downtown Development Authority
GREETERS: Ted Weber and Steve Larsen
We adjourned with the Four-Way Test.
Respectfully submitted, 
Art Ayers, Editarian