October 11, 2022
President Mary Sue Lyons called the meeting to Order at 7:00 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. Art Ayers provided our Invocation, asking for prayers for all those facing challenging situations around the world and for Richard Swanson who resigned from our club due to health issues and on Stuart Comiskey’s continued improvement.
Mary Sue welcomed our speaker and guest Sarah Snoeyink from Market Van Buren.
- I am passing around the Club Directory again. Please provide all updates to the information on your page or initial or check the page if nothing has changed. I will get all the corrections to the Brickman’s soon.
- Melinda is in the process of identifying members for the ‘23-‘24 board of the Club which will be elected at our Dec. 13th Club Assembly. The slate for the board will be announced in mid-November as required by our bylaws. If you have interest in serving on the board of directors, please discuss with Melinda.
- Our first monthly social hour will be tomorrow evening, Oct. 12th at Three Blonds Brewery, upstairs space at 5:30pm. Spouse or guest welcome. Hope to see you there. And thank you Emily for making all the arrangements for this event.
- Blessings in a Backpack need our help this coming Thurs. morning to fill in because of a Covid case amongst the original group. So please come to North Shore School at 10:30am, if possible, to help fill these bags of food for our students. Our next date for Blessings is Nov. 3rd.
- In keeping with our membership goals of spreading the word about our Club and expansion of our membership, please invite someone you think should be a Rotarian to the Oct. 18th meeting with Rep. Fred Upton as our speaker. This will be a great opportunity to showcase our Club.
- Board meeting will follow immediately.
- Larry Wittkop was our assigned song leader this morning. He was able to lead us through “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, “Side by Side” and especially “Roll Rotary Roll” in good fashion, or at least as good as possible with this group.Fortunately, plans to sing “King of the Road” were waylaid when the lyrics disappeared.
Special Update
Bob Copping and tom Renner, representing SHOUT updated us on SHOUT’s newest project, an outdoor fireplace to be built in Dykman Park in downtown South Haven.The fireplace, five feet on each side and eight feet tall will have screens on all four sides and be gas powered.Located about 50 feet to the right of the clock tower as you face the park from Phoenix Street will operate in cooler weather and the city will cover the cost of keeping the fire lit.
The cost of building the fireplace will be covered by a matching grant and by memorial donations.The first and one of the most significant donations will be in memory of Rotarian Bob Stickland.Additional donations are being sought and check should be made out to the City of South Haven.

Four Seasons at Dyckman Park Initiative
to Recognize Rotarian Bob Stickland
As reported to you at today's Rotary meeting, SHOUT has embarked on a fund raising initiative in support of the construction of an outdoor gathering place with a fireplace in Dyckman Park across from City Hall. It will become a place where we can all get together in the open air during the long winter season.
We are especially excited because an area within the project will recognize Rotarian Bob Stickland. The Stickland Memorial funds presented to Rotary upon Bob's death in May, 2021 have been designated for this project with the blessings of the Stickland family. To date they total $7,000.
The projects supported by SHOUT have always spoke to the value we place on having appropriate landscaping, including trees, in our projects. That focus will continue with the fireplace project. We have carefully considered the location of the fireplace within Dyckman Park. We want it to be a downtown wintertime drawing place, visible from the street for downtown visitors to be reminded of its availability and at the same time serve the pavilion ice rink users. Pavers will be judiciously used around the fireplace walking area, just as they have been with the SHOUT clocks. The resultant Fireplace area will have a warm and welcoming landscaped appearance. If all goes as planned, the fireplace will make its debut for winter 2023-24.
SHOUT has pledged $25,000 to kickoff the $100,000 project. In addition, the City of South Haven has obtained a Public Spaces - Community Places Grant through the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC). It requires $40,000 in matching donations no later than December 2, 2022.
With known contributions to date, an additional $22,000 needs to be raised toward the $40,000 challenge.
Please consider ways you might honor your family, remember a loved one or just a gift in appreciation of Wonderful Times in South Haven.
We would love to raise the Stickland Memorial contribution from Rotary to $10,000.
If you prefer, tax deductible gifts can be mailed to SHOUT, Post Office Box 986, South Haven MI 49090. Note: Checks should be written to the City of South Haven in order to be eligible for the MEDC Matching Grant.
Always grateful for your support.
Bob Copping, SHOUT President
Special Update #2
Steve Larsen told us that he had the chance to see Marty Graber recently and he is doing well.Steve and Marty are planning to return to Kenya in early May to visit the hospital and compound.Steve is hoping that a plaque honoring Marty’s contributions and dedication to the hospital and community can be delivered before or during that visit.
A Touch of Humor
Bob Copping told us of a woman who was arrested for giving a man a cigarette. The charge – contributing to the malignancy of a man.
50/50 and Fines
Sarah Snoeyink pulled Dene Hadden’s ticket from the basket but Dene’s luck ran out when he turned over the usually lucky “7” instead of the money winning 2 or 4Ted Weber again won the $2 prize.
Fines were charged to:
- Tom Ruesink indicated that he and his bother were headed to Florida tomorrow to salvage what they could after receiving word that their park will no longer exist as it is being bulldozed in a couple of weeks due to the storm damage.
- Angelica Gallegos was excited to announce that her brother became a father for the first time this week.
- Larry Wittkop’s twin grandsons turn 18 this week.
- Dene Hadden noted that granddaughter Chloe and her Coopersville High School golf team will be playing in the MHSAA Division 2 State Finals at MSU this week.
- Ted Webber announced that he will be taking Cindy Bolt to the airport so she can finally return to Florida after Art’s memorial service a few weeks ago.
- Tom Renner reminded us that Thursday is Fire Safety and Fun night at the Fire Station Thursday.
- Paul Hix plugged a major fund raiser for the South Haven Center for the Arts and other charities to be held at Fenn Valley Winery this month. Check the center for the Arts website or Fenn Valley for details.
- Deb Davidson was excited that her soccer playing grandson and our friend Sean had switched to football and scored his first touchdown last week.
- Kaleigh Eddy announced that the last JV Football game, including Sean, will be this Thursday. A good time to look at the improvements to Ratcliffe Field and see some good football, especially for MSU fans.
- Mary Sue also reminded us to remember those folks in Puerto Rico still suffering from the effects of hurricane damage.
Our speaker this morning was introduced by Griffin Graham. From Market Van Buren, Sarah Snoeyink, one of the four staff members from that organization that works hard to keep, build and develop business opportunities for communities in Van Buren and Cass Counties.
Respectfully submitted,
Dene Hadden
Temporary Editarian